Pineapple Collaborative
The Salt Pot
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Produced in partnership with Sarela Herrada of SIMPLi and Yolanda Acurio Mendoza of the women-run co-op Comunidad Salinera de Maras, this blush pink salt from ponds high in the Peruvian Andes is harvested by hand to retain superior mineral content. Its mild taste and medium grind size – between fine kosher salt and crunchy finishing salt – make The Salt a versatile addition to any pantry, enhancing the flavors of all your favorite dishes.
Delivered in a 3 oz bespoke ceramic vessel. Pineapple Collaborative's co-founders Ariel and Atara created the custom-designed pinch pot of their dreams with a half moon lid that marries form and function.
To close the vessel, while applying downward pressure, twist the lid until flush. The rubber gasket is also removable. We recommend recycling the gasket after purchasing for an even more seamless experience. Simply peel off and discard for an even easier open and close experience.